The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)

Smelling the Web Olfactory Display for Web

Saad Abid2, Zhiyong Li1, and Renfa Li1 1College of Information Science and Engineering, Hun an University, China 2Department of Computer Science and Informatics, Al- Mansour University College, Iraq   

A Vision Approach for Expiry Date Recognition using Stretched Gabor Features

Abstract: Product"expiry date represent important information for products consumption. They must contain clear

RPLB:A Replica Placement Algorithm inData Grid with Load Balancing

Abstract:Data gridisaninfrastructurebuilt based on internetwhichfacilitates sharing and management ofgeographically

 Department of Electronics and Communication Engine ering, PSG College of Technology, India. 

Department of Electronics and Communication Enginee ring, PSG College of Technology, India. 

Skyline Recommendation in Distributed Networks

Abstract: Skyline recommendation technology has recently received a lot of attention in the database community. However,

UDP based IP Traceback for Flooding DDoS Attack

Abstract: Distributed denial of service attack has become a challenging threat in today’s Internet. The adversaries often use

CFS: A New Dynamic Replication

Feras Hanandeh1, Mutaz Khazaaleh2, Hamidah Ibrahim3, and Rohaya Latip3